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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you accept affiliate partnerships?blue arrow

    Affiliate or commission-based partnership is not our service per se, but rather a complimentary for partners who purchase our signature products.

  • Is Ngomongin Uang a company or a single person?blue arrow

    We are an established company under PT Ngomongin Uang Bersama, our Nomor Induk Bersama (NIB) is 1264000112427. Our team consists of 14+ people, in which one of them is Luna “The Narrator” Cahya.

  • Is Ngomongin Uang's status a PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak) or Non-PKP?blue arrow

    We are a Non-PKP with Surat Keterangan PP 23. Company NPWP: 41.238.556.9-011.000

  • Can we set up a meeting at your office?blue arrow

    We are a fully remote company and currently do not have a physical office, but we’d love to meet at yours or any proper place that we could arrange.

  • Can I re-upload Ngomongin Uang's content on my own channel?blue arrow

    No. We do not authorize it by any means.

  • I want to ask about buying a specific financial product or crypto asset, whom should I reach out to Ngomongin Uang regarding this?blue arrow

    Disclaimer: our contents are Not Financial Advice, kindly Do Your Own Research and invest at your own risk. You may consider joining our Telegram community (Sobat Ngomu) to discuss and learn from other community members.

  • I like Ngomongin Uang's style in producing its contents and would like to make one for my company's needs. Do you offer white label contents?blue arrow

    Yes. Please contact our Business Partnership +62 851-6291-0070 (Olgha).

  • Are you hiring full-timers or interns?blue arrow

    We're always pooling for the best talents, someone who can bring value to the table. Send your resume to [email protected] and explain what value you can bring, then we’ll start from there :)

  • Can you promote my crypto project?blue arrow

    We sure can, but need to review your project and whitepaper first.