Ngomongin Uang
Indonesia’s Biggest Financial
Social Media Group




Million Loyal


Trusted by 90+
Brand and Partners

Discover Ngomu

Biggest Financial Social Media Group








Why Ngomongin Uang?

Quality Matters, You Matters

Never sacrifice quality for views, but that doesn't mean views dont matter. We believe in providing high quality contents that people will truly apprieciate, we play the long game.

Quality Matters, You Matters

Diverse Range of Products

From brand activation to content creation, from visual design to video animation, from public seminars to community gathering, you will never run out of options with us.

Diverse Range of Products

You Say It, We Get It

Our experiences enable us to quickly empathize and understand the what's and how's of your needs and deliver it to the right audience. Save your time from countless meetings.

You Say It, We Get It

Trusted, Widely Known

With more than 1,45 Million audience across all platforms and 90 brand collaborations, we are the biggest one in the league.

Trusted, Widely Known

Trained, Experienced, Finance-certified

Your projects are in safe hands because we arm our team with finance certifications like CFP®, AWP®, QWP® and keep ourselves updated with current knowledge, news, and trends. We take finance seriously.

Trained, Experienced, Finance-certified


Logo Ngomongin Uang

3000+ Contents Produced


Highlight Bali 2022
Highlight Bali 2023
Highlights Binus Square
Highlight Bitcoin Conference
Highlight BNI
Highlight Coinfest 2023
Highlights Espreso BOE UI
Highlight Event Youtube
Highlight IDX CMSE
Highlight Makan-makan
Highlights New York
Highlight Valbury

Covered by National News Platform

KumparanWarta EkonomiSembilanCoRumah Satu DuaIDN Times

What Our Sobat Ngomu Say?



Bangga banget sama Ngomu sebagai pelopor edukasi keuangan buat masyarakat social media Indonesia yang mayoritas literaturnya so-so tp pingin up-to-date dan belajar soal keuangan [...] isinya konten financial education yang bikin inner child-ku terpanggil lagi buat belajar yang fun, seneng banget pokoknya sama karakter lucu yang ada di tiap panel konten Ngomu.



Setelah melihat beberapa video Ngomu ternyata banyak yang relate dan sama dengan pelajaran yang diajarkan oleh guru (terutama tentang ekonomi). Jadi, sebelum besoknya dibahas oleh guru H-1 saya sudah mempelajari dari Youtube Ngomu [...] Tanpa disadari ilmu yang dibagikan Ngomu ternyata berdampak besar terhadap kehidupan saya. Terima kasih atas ilmunya, Ngomu.



[...] Eksisnya Ngomu buat saya jadi betah mantengin konten perihal keuangan, bisnis, dsb tanpa perlu pusing mencerna dalam-dalam tentang apa yang disampaikan. Ajaibnya, Ngomu bisa menyulap informasi yang berat seperti obligasi, saham, crypto, bahkan isu Tiktok Shop tutup dengan konten yang amat ringan untuk dibaca.